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Construction Committee 12132006
Bolton Library Construction Committee Minutes
December 13, 2006
7:30pm – 10:00pm

Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko
        Joel Lindsay
Others present:
Jodi Ross, Jeff Nutting
This was the second meeting of the newly formed construction committee. Roland Ochsenbein acting chair until committee organizes. John Rodenhiser recorded minutes.

·       Jodi Ross gave a brief reminder of how the Open Meeting Law works and what the committee responsibilities are in this area.

·       Jeff Nutting, a consultant who helps boards and committees work effectively and a town administrator who has overseen many municipal construction projects during his time as Town Administrator in Stoneham and now Franklin led a discussion giving guidance and advice regarding construction of municipal facilities—what to watch for, how to manage, how to approach difficult problems, laws and regs, etc. A very complex process indeed.

·       Brent/Mickie were expecting to discuss their preliminary work on the Owners Project Manager RFP. However, based on new information gleaned from Jeff Nutting and a sample OPM RFP he provided, this discussion was postponed.

·       Based on BoS discussions with the Police Station Task Force there are new efforts to evaluate the fire station lot as a possible site for a new police and/or public safety facility. What implications this may have on the library were briefly discussed. At issue are the current library plans to use land to the rear of the fire station for a shared septic and well; specifications which would have to change significantly if a much larger facility were placed on that site. Concern is that any delay in decisions regarding use of that site cannot be allowed to delay design work on the library.

·       Mickie has arranged for someone familiar with the Construction Manager at Risk process to come talk to the committee at the December 28th meeting.
·       Roland offered to invite the previous Library Building Committee in for a pass-down review to discuss how they arrived at the present design. What considerations they gave various alternatives, constraints, desires, roadblocks, etc. Also of interest would be their thoughts regarding the design going forward based on feedback they received from the architects, MBLC, town boards and residents after the grant application was submitted.

·       A Conflict-of Interest question has been raised concerning the library trustees appointment of a trustee and library director as voting members of the LCC. Election of LCC chair and secretary will be delayed until this is resolved.

Next meetings: All at 7:30 pm at Town Hall
December 28
January 11
January 25

Advanced tentative agenda items:
December 28:
CM at Risk discussion
        -tour of library